Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rabbit's Close-Call (1st NOVEMBER)

Outside for his daily exercise, and under close supervision from W, Rabbit, unfortunately, had a close call.

Unbeknownst to W or Rabbit, the neighbor's screen door was open and their dog, Dirge, was sitting on the porch, unleashed. As Rabbit moved down the grassy stretch in front of WnC's apt, Dirge came charging out of no where, only Rabbit's fluffy tail on his mind. It took W a second to understand what was happening. Rabbit didn't hesitate one minute and took off like the speed of light toward WnC's porch. W reached out and grabbed Dirge by the scruff of his neck. Luckily he's a nice dog and stopped pursing Rabbit at this point. W's heart was beating out of her chest. It was a frightening moment.

Once inside, it took Rabbit a good amount of time to calm down. He even hesitated in eating his dinner! (If you can believe it?!) He was completely frightened of Isabelle, even thought WnC assured him she wasn't a dog out to get him.

The next day, we heard a knock at the door. C opened it to reveal our neighbor and Dirge, on a leash, with a conciliatory gift for Mr. Rabbit.

He gladly accepted it and all was well once again.

Copy of the card from Dirge to Rabbit:

Sunday, October 31, 2010

READ SECOND (October)- "A turn for the worse..."

But this period of calm soon ended when Queen Isabelle reasserted her dominance over the shared Rabbit/Isabelle domain. She sat upon her golden throne and refused to give Rabbit rations. 

Rabbit shook and rattled his cage. 

He tried to figure out how to unlatch the lock of his home, 
which once felt so warm and cozy but now was no more than a cold and dank jail.  

He licked the bars that jailed him...

...He tried squeezing through them...

....and then he finally escaped!

Rabbit, freed, said nothing.
Just gave W a glance...
just gave W a very sad, sad backward glance...
as he hoisted himself from the seat of his pants.

He said that living with Isabelle,
Was bringing him down.
He would never be free
With Isabelle around.

He's got a ticket to ride,
He's got a ticket to ri-hi-ide,
He's got a ticket to ride,
But Isabelle don't care.

But Isabelle DID care! No one knew that the Queen Isabelle with her Golden Throne did in fact have a special place in her heart for Mr. Rabbit. She was aghast with Rabbit's disappearance. She couldnt find the will to lift herself from her emerald, feathered-down sleeping pad. She refused to allow herself any rations.

She even threatened to take leave of this place with a traveling group of couchsurfers who happened to be passing through during this querulous time. 


Albeit difficult living with Isabelle and her dithering ways, the streets were no fairy-tail. There were no wide open pastures filled with dandelion greens and no alcoves to take shelter in. Upon a cool breeze that reminded Rabbit of home, Challah bread baking and vegan peanut-butter-oatmeal cookies being rolled out, Rabbit caught news of Isabelle's descent into near madness at Rabbit's absence. He quickly re-considered his escape and caught the first train back home.


And so Isabelle and Rabbit were united once again.

And Queen Isabelle, with her Golden Throne, was content.....

READ FIRST(October)- "Changes"

That's right! You're seeing it with your own eyes here on the Tall Tails of Isabelle and Rabbit.
Isabelle is in Rabbit's cage, with him!


The next day the duo shared dinner together.

Things seemed to be going well in the Rabbit and Isabelle kingdom.


Rabbit and Isabelle performed their daily yoga...

They should make a video titled, "Yoga With Pets." Try it. It's hard.

Isabelle slept...


....and helped W with her sewing work.

Rabbit danced....


....and helped C carve, then eat "Evil Rabbit" jack-o-lantern.

Evil Rabbit jack-o-lantern

Play a game!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Last week a cold spell came to the Salt Lake area and Isabelle could hardly handle it. She doesn't have enough, long, luxurious fur to keep her warm in the apartment. WnC are careful to cover her up and tuck her in when she lays down on cold days. Curiously her lack of long, thick, luxurious hair means nothing when it comes to WnC's clothes and bed covers, which are so covered in fur that we could create mini-Isabelle's from the fur that comes off. Maybe if Isabelle left her fur on her back instead of on our clothes, she would be warm enough during these cool fall days.


Rabbit and Isabelle need constant supervision. For half of the week, W works from home. It took her a couple trial encounters between Rabbit and Isabelle to realize that she cannot just simply release Rabbit from his cage and expect Isabelle to stay calm while she sews. Scolding Isabelle from her sewing machine is hardly enough to control the wild nature inside of her. Today W will experiment in "baby-sitting," as C likes to call it, the two animals and their interactions rather than sitting passively by as the two negotiate one another on their own. Hopefully things stay peaceful.

Rabbit's New Habit and Isabelle's New Clothes

All is well at the Isabelle and Rabbit domain. Recently Rabbit has taken to having accidents outside his cage in protest of WnC's busy work schedules. Worst of all he's heading down the slippery slope, developing a refined taste for Utah's own micro-brewed beers. His favorites are the Brainless Belgian-Style Golden Ale from Epic brewery brewed at a whopping 9.1% ABV ( and Uinta Brewery's Crooked Line's Tilted Smile Imperial Pilsner at 9% ABV (

And as Rabbit wets his whistle on the front porch, Isabelle takes this opportunity to enter the "rabbit lair." Once again Isabelle emulates Rabbit, confusing her identity with that of Mr. Rabbit's.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

But that ardent Rabbit!...

...Impassioned by his work! Zealous about perfection! Steadfast in his abilities!

Rabbit has created another masterpiece!


Finally the weekend arrives!

Isabelle is perfectly content when weekend comes and C n W are home at last! On par with sleeping lazily in the afternoon sun, Isabelle loves laying with her head propped up on C's lap. She couldn't be happier!

A new J-O-B

W has a new job at a cafe/bakery/cake making, locally-owned dig. Check out the website @

Isabelle is not happy to be home alone during the endless hours of the day. She spends time sleeping away her woes on her new bed (made by W)...

...and fruitlessly trying to play with Rabbit, who is locked away in a cage and might as well be gone to work at a silly bakery or off at the university studying a silly geography!

Over the last several weeks C has been working diligently to acquaint Isabelle and Rabbit. He moves his work down from the table to the floor and sits between the two wild beasts as they take interest in one another. C's hands speedily move from one side to another blocking as Isabelle tries to bonk Rabbit on the head and as Rabbit, innocently, tries to befriend Isabelle.

Rabbit has stopped having accidents in the house and is more comfortable in his new cage. During free-time, he enjoys mounting atop his cage to look over the world (and Isabelle).
Rabbit gains a strategic vantage point.

Now that C has begun school at the University, though, W has begun to learn how to referee the two wild beasts. Although not as effective at creating peace as C, W has been successful in getting to understand Isabelle's peculiar behavior toward Rabbit and the world.

Isabelle emulating Mr. Rabbit (suspicious behavior)

Where's Waldo? I mean, Isabelle? (No explanation for this odd behavior)

Sorry to be away for so long!

While the administrator has made leave, Rabbit has begun to feed himself from the fridge...

...and Isabelle has lost her mind!

Friday, August 20, 2010

No more patience

The administrator for Isabelle and Rabbit's blog has had ENOUGH! Isabelle and Rabbit's antics, in addition to Rabbit's most recent self-indulgent activity....
...admiring himself in the mirror...
...has left the administrator at her wit's end. She's going on vacation for 4 days to escape from the wondrous and wild, Tall Tales of Isabelle and Rabbit and to regain her lost sanity. Until then, good night and good luck.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

But MOST of all.....

After the cage-cleaning is done, the street watching and X-files are over and done with, and the map making paused for the evening, Isabelle and Rabbit MOST enjoy.....

...loungin' in the sun!!!

TV time

In addition to watching the world pass via "front window," Isabelle enjoys catching a little scare watching the X-Files on C's computer.